An appoggiatura is a note. A musical note. It could be perceived as a trouble making note.
An appoggiatura inserts itself into a chord, and creates dissonance. The good news is that usually, the chord moves rapidly from dissonance, to consonance. The dissonance ultimately resolves.
So, why might that Italian musical term be a good title for a blog? Could it be because not everything written here is agreeable to every reader? Might some comments here cause dissonance? And if so might the comments move rapidly toward consonance?
Truthfully, I chose that title because of an unfortunate, potentially dangerous memory lapse I had during the oral section of a comprehensive exam - the final hurdle to receiving my Master of Music degree. I did pass the exam. And the term appoggiatura and its definition will always be part of my memory.
And I DO think that there may be some occasional dissonance here. But you are always welcome, and your comments as well. Thanks so much for visiting!
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