This weekend we are blessed to have a little visitor in our house. She is Ivy, our granddaughter, who is just over two years old. Now, if you asked Susan (or virtually any other female) she would express Ivy's age in terms of months. I guess that is important if you are referring to someone who is that young.
Ivy is getting more talkative all the time, and it is fun to hear her communicate. But she loves her Poppi and Nonni. The name "Nonni" was chosen for Susan. She felt that it was better than grandma, or granny, and is likely better than "Nanna." Susan did not really wish to be "Nanna Peel" if you know what I mean!
We are happy that Ivy has bonded with her grandparents. She will look at me, hold out her arms and say "Tum Poppi." Because some of you know me, I'd better do a little translation. This is no reference to the dominance of my midsection, rather a request to "come" or to be picked up. She currently mixes up the hard "c" sound with the "t" sound. We understand.
What beautiful and simple lives children live! They completely trust others for their needs, enjoy relationships to the full, and do not worry for the future. Jesus spoke more highly of children than any other person in recorded history. In fact, he stated that any person who wished to be part of the kingdom of God must become like little children. So what does that mean? I think we are called to be trusting, generous, peaceful, loving people that relish relationships. I think we are called to cast all of our cares on Him, because He cares for us, and every detail of our lives. I cannot imagine a more restful thought than that!
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