Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Quest for an Analog Life

Hello everyone!  

This post from my Facebook page has been a long time coming, and there are so very many reasons for it.  I’ll outline just a few:

I’d like not to have to purchase blue blocker lenses.

I’m anxious to read more books, especially the 66 found in the Old and New Testaments.  The perfect vehicle for that is hundreds of years old.  No need for electronics or memory!

Our house sports 800 square feet of front porch, which is too often vacant of humanity.

We need to finish our basement.

We built our house on 7 out-of-the-way acres.  Unfortunately it is a privet farm.  I MUST spend more time “harvesting.”

I seriously need to do more score study!

If I practice, my handwriting might improve….maybe I can then send out a handwritten letter to someone via the US Post Office.  What a luxury it is to receive an actual handwritten letter!

I need actual face time with friends – you know, REAL faces, REAL time, REAL conversation!  Conversation that is complete because all of the elements are there for true communication. 

I’ve always had a secret envy for friends who have had this same sort of epiphany and have followed up with action.  I have begun to move forward with having better success with several of these things.  Netflix and Amazon Prime are gone!  I do enjoy reading the Kindle books I have and I will certainly continue to use ForScore on my iPad for choral work (perhaps the blue blocker glasses will still need to be acquired), but because I’m on a quest for more of an analog life, I’ll be reading more from my bookshelves at home and working more outside around our place.

All this to say that I will be leaving Facebook on Sunday evening, September 16.  I have enjoyed the connection with friends, and the conversations and keeping up with everything and everyone.  But it is one of the casualties of the diminishing of my online presence.  

To all my Facebook friends, let me just offer up the George Costanza line as he “breaks up” with a girlfriend:  “it’s not you, it’s me.”

My online presence will now be limited to email and this long neglected blog.  Sorry, no Twitter or Instagram for me.   You can find me here!

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